Welcome to theTechie's garage.
theTechie is a passionate technology enthusiast who is always learning and building something new. He loves to share new technological happenings which is evident in his social circle.
He strongly believes and supports open source development. He feels web is becoming the next biggest development platform.
He is an Entrepreneur to be.
He holds a Bachelor's degeree in Computer Science and currently pursuing Master's in Computer Science @ Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
Machine Learning, Distributed Computing are his interests.
Technology Stack
He has worked extensively on C#, .NET Framework (WPF, Silverlight), JavaScript (Dojo, jQuery), HTML5
Angular.js, Node.js, Redis, Grunt, Travis, Yeoman are his interests; towards JavaScript expertise.
Open Source Involvement and Contributors
@theTechie is quite active on Github and follows important developments across various repositories. He has contributed to Arduino based projects like Noduino (node.js based web UI to control arduino)